Call of duty cold war crashing ps5
Call of duty cold war crashing ps5

call of duty cold war crashing ps5

While many may point to Cyberpunk 2077 being the reason for Season One's delay, it more than likely is a combination of it and these many game and console-breaking complications. Reddit community manager FoxhoundFPS has been hard at work not only offering condolences but several fixes and even a fully-fledged Trello board for players to report all the various bugs still plaguing the game.

call of duty cold war crashing ps5

When the game freezes, you will need to quit the game and close the application, and then restart the game. Games can freeze or crash during gameplay for a variety of reasons.

call of duty cold war crashing ps5

Sony users aren't the only ones experiencing these console-breaking issues, what with Xbox Series X players also having similar problems back in late November. What to do if you experience game crashes or freezes while playing Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. Yet another Reddit post from over two weeks prior predicted these very same concerns in detail, explaining how Black Ops Cold War's Zombies mode "completely shut down my brand new console," they explain. The most thorough post comes from Reddit user WillHar270, whose testimonial from four days ago includes evidence of their case in the form of a return-shipment email, proving their PS5 did in fact break - but there is no specification on whether it was the newest Call of Duty or not. RELATED: Call Of Duty: Warzone's New Map Has Officially Been Confirmed With Free Skins

Call of duty cold war crashing ps5