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See Debugging MariaDB with mysql-test-run for more information.įor End of Life releases, MariaDB Foundation will not provide security updates, however outside contributors are welcome to submit security and bug fixes and backports to no-longer maintained versions. If the bug is repeatable, it is very helpful if you create a test case for the bug for use with mysql-test-run. If you need help, ask on Zulip, or on the maria-developers mailing list. The developers are generally happy to help with verifying bugs.

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The Reporting Bugs page on the Knowledge Base has details on how to report a bug. The roadmap is visible on (login is required), along with estimated release dates. First, Apple offers many downloads of older software on their official Apple Support Downloads page. The current maintained versions are:Įach stable version receives bug-fixes and security fixes periodically. Now there are multiple short term releases each year, in addition to less frequent long-term

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Until MariaDB Server 10.6, MariaDB Server had about one stable major release every year. MariaDB Foundation ensures that MariaDB Server has a steady cadence of releases. View a list of already downloaded files, those in the process of downloading, and tweak directories. To help with automating downloads of MariaDB Server and related files, MariaDB Foundation has exposed a REST API.

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